Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sex-A-fide Sexy Stems.

Why hello my dear bloggers,

    I hope you are all having a wonderful week! I have to admit this week has gotten me off to a bumpy start. Between almost being late for work, spilling my coffee all over me, and breaking a nail while changing the radio, No Bueno. But on a good note the sun is shining and valentines is approaching us! Its that one of many times we get, to get all Sex-a-fide for our honeys....(or if your single for yourself). But part of being sexy is showing some leg and to be honest who wants to show some white ass legs .. NOT me. And even though I live in Arizona my legs literally look like I'm from the Arctic. That is until the raise of sunlight themselves brought Sexystems into my life.
There are 3 reasons why this stuff is the Bee's knees:

1.) It gives you the perfect bronzed glow, not a fake orange. we don't want to look a duchebag.
2.)It doesn't even smell like a tanner it smells like coconuts with a hint of vanilla!!!!!!
3.)It Tightens! I mean tightens your skin to reduce all that jiggle we all got goin' on. 
bye bye cellulite.

.....Okay I lied there is one more reason! 

4.)Its actually affordable! and not over priced by any means. 

So do yourself and the lucky lover who is going to be seeing those scandales legs of yours 
a favor get your yourself bronzed && beautiful!

You can get your very own Sexy Stems Self Tanner >> HERE << 

P.S. below is a little inspiration I bring to you to get not only your legs sex-a-fide, but the 
rest of YOU on for this lovely Valentines Day. Every women single or Taken should feel beautiful and sexy this coming Valentines day, Love yourself ladies && Blow their minds ladies and have fun being a Girl!

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