Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Freezing Herbs in olive oil

8 Steps for Freezing Herbs in Oil

  1. Choose firm, fresh herbs, ideally from the market or your own garden.
  2. If you wish, you can chop them fine. Or leave them in larger sprigs and leaves.
  3. Pack the wells of ice cube trays about 2/3 full of herbs.
  4. You can mix up the herbs, too; think about freezing a bouquet garni of sage, thyme, and rosemary to add to winter roast chickens and potatoes!
  5. Pour extra-virgin olive oil or melted, unsalted butter over the herbs.
  6. Cover lightly with plastic wrap and freeze overnight.
  7. Remove the frozen cubes and store in freezer containers or small bags.
  8. Don't forget to label each container or bag with the type of herb (and oil) inside!
 Featured Via: TheKitchen

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!!! Love it! And thank you, sweet dear, for visiting my blog! Sorry it took me so long to come visit your lovely space!


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